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Escafandra Electrónica is the digital edition of MAR-IVY Sub. All rights of industrial or intellectual property of the web site www.escafandra.org or www.mar-ivysub.com and their content (texts, images, sounds, audio, video, designs, creativities, software) belong to MAR-IVY Sub, or to third parties.

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The user makes the committment to make adecuate use of the contents and services (such as the forums for opinions, or pages open to the reader) that www.escafandra.org, ESCAFANDRA Electrónica and www.mar-ivysub.com, offers on its web sites, and not to use them to carry out actions which may be illicit, or contrary to the good will and to legal ordenances; not to distribute contents or propaganda of racial, xenophobic, illegal-pornographic, excusing terrorism, or going against human rights; cause harm in the physical and logistical systems of www.escafandra.org, ESCAFANDRA Electrónica and www.mar-ivysub.com, and their suppliers, or third parties, introduce or distribute computer virus’ or any other physical or logistical system that might be susceptible to causing the harm previously mentioned.

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Policy of privacy

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In carrying out what is stipulated in the Law 15/99 of 13th December 1999 about Protection of Data of a Personal Nature (henceforth called LOPD in Spanish), the registered user in www.escafandra.org, ESCAFANDRA Electrónica and www.mar-ivysub.com, can at any time consult, access, rectify, cancel and oppose the fact that their data be treated in the terms forseen by www.escafandra.org, ESCAFANDRA Electrónica and www.mar-ivysub.com, contacting www.escafandra.org, ESCAFANDRA Electrónica and www.mar-ivysub.com, at the offices of: La Corva S/N - VERDICIO - 33448 Principado de Asturias, or accessing the web pages www.mar-ivysub.com/contacto, in the terms forseen under the Law reffered to and other norms that are developed, such as shown in the Law of information and e-commerce in Society Services (Law 34/2002 of 11th July).



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