The history of ESCAFANDRA, is the history of an ambitious project, the principal objectives of which have always been clear and concrete, based on the INDEPENDENCE, THUTH, SERIOUSNESS in information, and at the same time OBJECTIVE in its comments.

The board of directors of ESCAFANDRA is made up of a team of highly qualified people, who know the ins and outs of the World of Diving, with the experience provided by twenty-five years of exclusive dedication to Subaquatic Activities. The resumé of these people deserves respect and credibility: Presidents of Federations, Presidents of Clubs, and a a long list of etceteras. They have all made ESCAFANDRA a landmark in Diving Publications on a worldwide scale, being on occasion, a reference point for others, and a model to follow.Because of this we feel proud of work we have done, and at the same time, committed to and responsable for its continuation, bringing improvements to each new number. The comments and reviews received have committed us to improving our line of action, and to keeping our magazine, ESCAFANDRA the way the majority like it.Currently supported by the envious figure of 138,000 readers spread all over the world, thanks to the great invention,Internet.

    It all began in August 1995, date on which our first issue was published on paper...

   Of course, the idea to create ESCAFANDRA had been growing, since 1993 in the mind of Marivy Rasso, its creator and director, beginning to take form early in 1995. Until then, the magazines specializing in Diving in Spain (with the exception of one French publication), appeared and disappeared in a short time. It was odd to see one that lasted for longer than a year, ending up sucumbing to advertising, and its imperatives. Others were started in clubs, edited by the clubs´ members, and financed by the funds of the club itself, (on occasion these publications were used to criticise with harsh words whoever they did not like). A Spanish magazine was needed, a serious one with continuity, dedicated to subaquuatic activities, and ESCAFANDRA was the result.

   Launching a new publication specialised in the minority subaquatic sector, is difficult and very expensive, extremely so if it is done without an ample adverstising campaign, as has been the case.We have decided on ESCAFANDRA being a free publication, and for it´s distribution at important sector trade fairs, in order to make it known, doing without advertising as much as possible... The economic investiment and the mount work involved have been staggering, truly enormous. However the ESCAFANDRA project moved ahead, an today is a reason to feel proud.

FIDMA),  Which is attended by more that 700.000 visitors every year. The initial edition comprised 2,000 copies of 24 pages, with front and back covers in full colour, black and white  interior, high quality glossy paper.Since its initial publication, the magazine has been published on a yearly basis.

   From the very first issue, with the ISSN and DL (Legal Deposit) it has been  printed at Gráficas Loredo de Gijón - Asturias. More than 800 issues are sent by mail to pertinent Official Organisations, Federations, Clubs, Tourism, and a long list of other subscribers. A liot of hard work, and sleepless nights, many anectotes, stress, rushed, deadlines, (as in reporting the death of the unforgettable Cousteau; issue number III haviing been already finalised, running to the printed to stop the printing process, which had already  started, to include the sad news in that issue, and being the first publication to give the news). Which has meant that our  ESCAFANDRAS printed on paper have been published with more erratas and errors than we would have wished; Although we have learned from each and every one of them. " MI AVENTURA SUBMARINA" (MY SUBMARINE ADVENTURE) had been printed as " MI AVENTURA CON MARINA" (MY ADVENTURE WITH MARINA). we have had some truly hard moments...even though our adorable. Eduardo took it all in good spirit, we had to use typex to correct each issue, one by one..

Since 1995, we remained punctual and true to the date, every August, of the publication of a new and renovated ESCAFANDRA, and with each passing year our magazine has grown, both in the number of pages and subscribers. 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999..., are the years in which ESCAFANDRA was published on paper. That same year, the preparations began for launching the publication onto the world stage through the medium of Interent, with two short articles, renaming the publication with the world Electronic in the year 2000; making itself known all over the world as. ESCAFANDRA  Electronic. Situated on the Website of the company MAR-IVY Sub Enseñanzas de Buceo ( ) from the year 1999 until now, August 2005. It has become the number one Spanish publication specialising in Diving on the Net.





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