The first CDs have sold out, and we already have the next thousand at your disposition


    Now you have at your disposition! On CD the whole collection of the Magazine ESCAFANDRA in printed format, corresponding to the years 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999.

    Don’t miss this opportunity to complete your collection, obtaining this CD with the first ESCAFANDRAS and its history, at an exceptional price of   10 






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These are the front covers of the first five issues, corresponding to the printed editions of 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999.


Nº  I  - 1995
Nº  II  - 1996
Nº  III  - 1997

Interview Eduardo Admetlla
Great Journeys, Kenya 
Problems of Inmmersión 
Diving at Altitude
Sub aquatic Archaeology 
Sub aquatic Biology  


Great Journeys, Red Sea 
Interview  with Jordi Desola 
Awards received 
Sub aquatic Archaeology 
A letter to... 
Our readers give their opinions
FEDAS levels, the controversy


Goodbay to Cousteau 
G. Journeys, Cozumel, Isla Mujeres
Interview with Javier Nart
Sub Archaeology in Asturias 
Playing with dolphins, Asturias
Underwater investigation in the Navy
Philip Cousteau Anchor Museum

Nº  IV - 1998
Nº  V - 1999

Interview Dr. de Lara 
Journeys, USA from Coast to Coast
Inmmersión, Lake of the Valley 
Diving among sharks I
Sub aquatic Archaeology Instructions 
Cepesma, year of the oceans 
"El Pedrosa" (Asturian Titanic)
Statists of the M.G.D 
Sub.Baptisms, day of the "Santina" 
FASPA, ayayay... 
Late News


Interview witc Concha Galán 
Great Journeys,  Maldivas 
Mercaplana and the Sea
I Exponáutica Madrid 
Ship trade fair, on water BCN 
Sub Archaeology  
Sub aquatic baptism children
The GEAS of the Guardia Civil 
Varamientos en Asturias 
New President FEDAS 
Diving among sharks II







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