The best introduction to Elecrtonic ESCAFANDRA, is itself, its articles and trajectory prove it to be one of the best publications specialising in diving. From this issue on its initial title, “Diving Magazine” will change to “Diving and The Sea Magazine”, increasing the variety of its contents even more. Being of interest to all those inteested in the Sea.

     Since its creation, Elecrtonic ESCAFANDRA is sent totally free of charge, and will continue to be so, as this has been our objective since its beginnings back in 1995, first in printed format, and later in its present electronic edition, a modern and direct method, which allows us to reach all parts of the world where connection to internet is possible. This is to say, that our subscribers list grows day be day, presently more than 188,322!, a statistic dreamed of by other magazines in the sector. Why is there this great difference? Perhaps the high quality of our colaborators*, our profound knowledge of the Subaquatic World and its environment, after a life dedicated to this in body and soul... perhaps the rigour, the honesty, the sincerity, professionalismand liberty with which all of the content is treated... perhaps the desire to bring topics of interest to our readers, with all the objectivity of an Independent Magazine... all this and much more, contribute to its success.

     But without a doubt, one of its most attractive featuresis the interaction that is maintained with the reader. The new and original presentation of Elecrtonic ESCAFANDRA on the Internet, makes it more attractive. The idea of making an annual magazine, inserting an article each month, which adds on to the previous ones, and remaining on show on our domain, with its pages open all year long; increases the number of daily visits of all the subscribers all over the world, keeping their interest alive, which on the other hand they appreciate not having to receive huge files, which most of the time collapse the mail, leaving to free choice, the convenient moment to download it onto their computers.

    ESCAFANDRA’s frequency has always been annual, both in the printed and electronic editions. While the printed version was a magazine with all its pages, in Internet the final magazine is composed of twelve articles, which are uploaded to the Web every month; so that the same cover remains all year long, and only the titles which are added on change.

    Currently, we have left last year’s magazine for you to consult, but we have been obliged to withdraw the links to the previous ones, due to the continual abuse of illegal copying of some articles, with a “copy and paste”, they have been published on other Webs, without any kind of scruples, obliging us to legal measures with truly annoying legal proceedures.


    During these years the following people have collaborated and collaborate with ESCAFANDRA

    In alphabetic order:

 * Adolfo Rodriguez Asensio (Dean, Faculty of History), Antonio Badía (Engineer, Designer of Regulators), DAN (Divers Alert Network) DEMA (Diving Equipment & Marketing Association), Dr. Antonio de Lara (Pioneer and Master of Hyperbaric Medicine), Dr. Jordi Desola (Founder and President of the Coordinating Committee of Centres of Hyperbaric Medicine (CCCMH) in Spain), Good Table of the Sea Brotherhood, Concha Galán (Journalist, Television Presenter), CEPESMA (Coordinator for the Study and protection of Marine Species), Eduardo Admetlla (Pioneer and Historical figure of Diving, TV Series), Enric Redondo Fabregat (Ex-president of the Spanish Dive Federatión  (FEDAS), Enrique Arnau (Archaeologist), Eugenia M. Cueto-Felgueroso (Biologist), FIDMA (International Trade Fair of Asturias), Francisco Ruiz (“Aquanaut” Experimental Centre of Diving of the Navy) Gonzalo R.C. (Biologist, Graphic Designer), Jaime de Miguel (Ex-director ENBAD), Javier Nart (Lawyer, Participant ion TV Chat Shows), Juan Ivars (Instructor, Pioneer and Historical Figure in Professional and Amateur Diving), Luis A. Laria (Director of CEPESMA), Marga Alconchel (Journalist), María Noval (Archaeologist) The Philippe Cousteau Muesum of Anchors, Maritime Museum of Asturias, Musée Maritime de La Rochelle, Pedro Cembreros (Tourism President), Yolanda Contreras (Graphic Designer)






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